I had not gotten a chance to answer your question yet. I did understand your original post (unlike some of the posters), though it was also helpful to read your SWH.
And yeah, why people write without really reading what you said makes no sense. It's not like you wrote a book either. So for those posts, B., just discount them.
I know that this is probably going to sound depressing, but I am going to detail it here for you anyway. I had a neighbor who was a speech therapist and knew all of the in's and out's of the medical field. She had an autistic son who was a bit worse off than your son sounds. He was not able to stay in school even with all the help your son has. The bigger he got, the harder he got to deal with. She loved him with every fiber in her being, B., but staying with her at home was just not to be. They had to institutionalize him.
I want you to know that as hard as it is, you must keep it in the back of your mind. My neighbor really didn't have a choice. For her safety's sake, and his safety's sake, she did it. It was an act of love, no matter what some may think.
And no, you don't bake cookies for the aide. Good grief. (You were right to pounce on that one - if the poster didn't mean it, she shouldn't have said it.) If the aide doesn't want to work with special needs children, she should switch to mainstreamed kids.