Ditto on "all bets are off"!
I'm also a strong believer in that the body heals faster when it's not in pain...so I always work with my pediatrician (ahem, to be more precise, her nurse!) to get the right combination of medicines into my son (like fever reducers, pain relievers, decongestants, etc.). Most of the time, they just take the misery away enough for him to sleep...which is what he needs the most.
I also always grit my teeth and do an "extra" day home sick. Usually makes my eyes cross by the end of it...but my super active little guy goes full tilt, the moment I let him. So the first day he's feeling better he'll be GREAT for 20 minutes, then crashes for 30, repeat ad nauseum. I've found that taking an extra day of no activities...keeps him from trying to power through...and then getting sick again. ::sigh:: He's the only one in the house that gets that treatment. My DH and I are usually sick with the same cold about 3 times as long as our DS, because we DO power through, and relapse, and relapse, and relapse.
So what we do for our son:
- Appropriate medicines
- Lots of fluids (no dairy, if it's congestion)
- Lots of rest
- No drafts (but fresh air!!!)
- Being clean (aka, baths...or a babywipe bath)
- Easy to digest foods (like the ever present Chicken soup!)
- No 'outta the house' activities (even the store, unless DH is out of town, & I don't have any friends to call)
- Lots of cuddle time...usually curled up on the couch with blankets reading books and watching movies
- Lots and lots and lots of patience