I've had two hardware store stalkers.
They were employees of the stores.
One of them lived around the corner from me with a woman and he insisted she was just his "roommate". Total creep. If I was out working in the yard, he would drive by and just park across the street and watch me until I went in the house.
The other one I literally hid from in the back room of a grocery store once because he was there while I was shopping. Another time, he followed me after I had picked my son up from school and tried to lose him, but he kept following me until I pulled into the police department parking lot.
He got fired from his job for doing the same thing to another lady and moved. Thankfully that solved that problem.
There might be lots of nice men at hardware stores, but I personally wouldn't want to try to find a husband there.
I have a friend who found her husband at an Oakland Raiders game. They are both Raiders fans and football fanatics so that worked out nicely for them.
My youngest still has another year and a half of high school so I don't really look for men. I need to finish raising my son first.
I don't really have any great suggestions other than trying to meet someone you share the same interests with.
Best wishes.