Holy Cow...All you ladies out there who think this mom of THREE SMALL CHILDREN can go over to her sister's house and CLEAN IT EVERYDAY because her sister is SELFISH AND LAZY are welcome to come over to my house and help clean...or maybe go clean there. Those of you with enough Income to think this Stay At Home Mom of THREE can afford a Maid...Well, my husband needs your husbands job.
Now, that sounds quite mean, but Come on...Offer the poor women some real help here ladies, you can do better than this...I have seen you do better.
Recently a women in Fl lost custody of her children b/c her house was soo Filthy and a Health Hazard.
Honey, I know there are differences in Cleanliness, my house is a 'pig sty' to me, but no stench and my family don't stink. My honest opinion...Call Child Protective Services, you don't even have to tell CPS who you are. When your family mentions it to you, you can be Dumb and not know a thing about it. Your sister can clean up her act and herself and get the help she most likely needs, or someone who is fit to raise children and have children in their home will take those babies (all babies, no matter how old we get) into their home.
My only question is, how old is your Niece? Does she enjoy living like that, is she a minor, or is she 'messy' too?? If you and your family are concerned and regretting not doing something years ago, then stop the regrets and do something TODAY! Pluss, you can always help your niece out, even if she can't live with you b/c of space problems. Perhaps you could offer her help in obtaining her own appartment, help her get a job, gather up your babies 'old' things and hand them down to her, drive her around if she can't drive, possibly babysit her baby while she works so she can afford to get out of her mom's house. And PLEASE remember, you can report to CPS without telling them who you are or how you know, and keep hounding them until they ACT. Call them everyday if you need too. Also, if they have pets, you can call the Humane Society in your area and they statistically re-act faster than CPS (isn't that horribly sad). Best of Luck hun...Follow you heart, it won't lead you wrong.