We did the Ferber method for both of our kids, and it has worked out great for us. At 9 months, she should be ready to try it. I'm always surprised that people think Ferber is the cry-it-out method - it's not. Ferber is a series of visits, spaced further apart. Put your little one to bed awake but drowsy, then visit after 3 minutes, then again after 5 minutes, then 7, etc. We capped at 9, and visited every 9 minutes instead of continuing to 11, but where you cap is a personal decision. It will take three days.
The night wakings are normal. Everyone, even adults, wakes up partially about every 90 minutes or so, but usually not completely unless something is wrong (you have to use the toilet, your spouse stole the covers, whatever). If you are putting your child down AFTER they fall asleep, then she is waking up in a place different from where she went to sleep, and that is "wrong," so she is waking up entirely. Around 6 months, she was not only going through a growth spurt, but was becoming aware of the world around her, and that it had changed when she went to bed. Whether you weren't there anymore, or she had lost a paci, or whatever. Now, it's just become a habit.
Our almost 9-month old sleeps very well for us - occasionally, she'll wake around 3, but for the most part, she sleeps in her own bed from about 9 to 5:30. I nurse her to the point of nearly being asleep, brush her tooth, and then put her down almost-but-not-quite asleep - with no paci. If she wakes in the night, I nurse her again. When she wakes in the morning, she gets a little snuggle time until she indicates she's ready to eat, and then goes straight to breakfast. Sometimes it's right away, sometimes she lets me snuggle with her for half an hour or so. But she has been really enjoying her "solids."
I seriously recommend the Ferber book "Solve Your Child's Sleep Problems" - even if you only read it for the chapter on sleep science. It also has some advice about night weaning - we never had the issue of waking quite so frequently, so I can only give you limited advice, there.
Hang in there, mom! You can do this! Whatever method you go with, it'll be okay! And every baby is different, so don't worry if this doesn't work exactly for you the same way it did for us.