If you nursed your 1st child, you may remember that it takes a good 2-4 weeks before your nipples get 'broken-in' (at least it does for me). Keep the Lansinoh on them and try warm, moist wash-cloths. I was a GREAT milk producer and would also be too engorged for my DD to get a proper latch. Try nursing lying down or in a reclining position - this helps when your milk let's down, it doesn't choke the darling baby. In the beginning, I also hand expressed some milk, just enough to relieve a little pressure, and this helped with the latching on. A little pain now is doing wonders for your little boy. And see if you can get a lactation consultant to visit you. Even if you've done this before, your son hasn't and the nurse may be able to help you teach him. Good luck!