My daughter also took off her diaper in her crib while we were potty training. In an effort to keep her diaper on at night, I put her in a large (size 2T) onsie as a pajama shirt, as well as pajama bottoms and that did the trick. Good luck!
HI, ok I need suggestions. We are potty training and that part is going ok, but here's the problem. Callie will take off her diaper in the crib in the morning and throw it out of the crib. That's problem #1, then some mornings she won't call for me and she will pee in the crib. This morning I went in there and the DRY diaper was on the floor and she peed in the crib and goes
"I covered the pee-pee with my blanket"
great. Any suggestions? She is not ready to go overnight in underpants. She still needs a diaper or pullup. Any ideas on how to keep the diaper on? or prevent her from peeing in the bed?? Thanks in advance. C.
My daughter also took off her diaper in her crib while we were potty training. In an effort to keep her diaper on at night, I put her in a large (size 2T) onsie as a pajama shirt, as well as pajama bottoms and that did the trick. Good luck!
take away the crib and put the matress on the floor. Put a potty in her room. She will propabaly take off her diaper and use it. My daughter got a Big girl bed for that reason at 2. good luck
We usually just put underwear over the diaper and then it's harder for them to get out of it without a fight. :P
Hope you find something that works!
Maybe you can put a onesie on her at night so she can't get the diaper off. We had to put our son (just turning two) in a onesie a couple of months ago because he had a fascination with reaching in his diaper after a "poo-poo" and putting his hands in it and saying, "Eeeeeeewwwwwwww. What a mess." It was only for about a week or so.
Just an idea.
My sister in law had this problem she actually woke up one morning to poo in the crib.
My niece did potty train early so that is good news.
she came up with putting the diaper on backwards so her daughter couldn't figure out how to get it off then she also put a onsie with snaps this work because it was to much work to get everything else off to get to the diaper her daughter gave up on the whole thing in the crib then she started doing it during the day, my sister in law just had to keep a onsie on her all the time. This should pass quickly like everthing else.
I would either transition her to a "big girl bed" with a potty in her room as someone else suggested or waterproof her crib and put her in waterproof training pants for the night. Check out some of the products at www.theecstore.com for ideas. There are a ton of diaper alternatives that you could use for transitioning, many of them have snaps that might be hard for her to open.
Try old-fashioned safety diaper pins to keep the diaper on. We use these all the time when one of the tabs pulls off a brand new diaper we are putting on. Just pin it right through the velcro strips.
Something with snaps on might help. Try putting underwear over her diaper also. Snaps on pj's helped with my daughter taking the diaper off.
Hi C.~
I had a similar problem with my son who is now 4. Riley's issue turned out to be that he insisted on having underwear and NOT diapers or pull-ups. So, at bedtime and naptime I ended up putting him in the thicker cotton underwear that is made for toddlers, and on top of that I put on the plastic kind of underwear over it because it is waterproof. I picked up both of these from Target. That way, he felt proud that he was sleeping in underwear, and therefore stopped taking his pull-up off, and I didn't have to change the crib sheet every morning because the plastic underwear prevented the leaking on to the bed.
Good luck!!
We ran into the same issue. I know this may sound weird and cruel but we put a small piece of Duct Tape over the tabs so she could nto get her diaper off. We also then went to a larger size diaper and she never took it off again. We were then able to not put the tape on. She has left it alone since.
When potty training my daughter, nights were the most difficult. I started getting up 2 -3 times a night and sitting her on the potty. If she didn't go right I would run in the sink water. In the beginning getting her to go when I put her on the toilet was like pulling teeth. But I was consistent and over time, she started going like clock work. I wasn't waking her because I thought it a bit cruel to do so.
Another thing I tried was convincing her that her pull ups were night- panties for big girls. Once she bought into that, I couldn't get her out of them in the mornings. Good luck! Consisentcy and patience.
Dear C.,
My daughter went through that stage and we took the baby saftey pins and pined her clothes. If she had the zip up jammies we pinned the zipper to the jammies. If she had pants and a shirt jammies we pinned the shirt to the jammies. We called it the pretty pins. She hated it. I told her that if she kept her diaper on until she went in the potty she could keep the pretty pins on. My daughter sleeps in a big girl bed and now gets up to go potty. She is 2 1/2 now and still wears diapers only at night time, but first thing in the morning she gets up and takes her diaper off and goes potty. Sometimes before waking me up. Good Luck.
I had the same issue with my daughter. We tried putting the diaper on backwards but she still was able to take it off. We tried putting her in a big girl bed but she would do the same thing. We ended up putting packing tape around the diaper at night time. It worked.
Have you considered moving her out of the crib and into a big-girl bed? That would allow her to get out herself (which has a whole new set of advantages/disadvantages, I realize) and may give her a little more independence. Especially if you try linking her success in using the toilet to being in the big girl bed ("You're such a big girl you can go potty by yourself and you get to sleep in a big girl bed now") this might be helpful.