Staycation -Time Alone - What Do You Do?

Updated on July 23, 2012
M.H. asks from Madison, WI
13 answers

So I am as close to a vacation, or rather staycation, as I am going to get this summer/this year. So I would like to make it as relaxing as possible and enjoy the time.

My husband and one of our children are flying to his parents and they will be gone this week. My son is here with me, but will be in an all day camp Monday-Friday. So I'll be home alone most of the week and I'm looking forward to it. I was sad to see hubby and child go, but also realize that this could be a very nice, relaxing week for me too.

So my question is - if you had this type of free time, how would you spend it? What would you do?
I'm asking because I know me, and since I'm home for the week, I will start to see house projects around me that need to get done and I will want to go to work on these projects. That's why me staying home for vacations never work very well.
I did spend yesterday cleaning and doing a little decluttering so that when I look around there isn't as much to do. But there are always projects I could work on, I just don't want to spend this time off doing them though.

And I do have about 10 hours of time that I'll need to work for my home business this week. And then a couple hours that I'll go volunteer at the place I usually volunteer.
Other than that, my son is gone at camp each day early morning until late afternoon. I'll enjoy the evenings with him.

So if you were me and home alone, how would you spend your free time?

BTW - I'm going to make some yummy salads ahead of time, so I don't have to make the big dinners I usually make when everyone's here. Just that makes me happy to take a break from cooking dinner every night. Oh the little things in life :) I feel blessed we have food to put on the table though.


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answers from Los Angeles on

I would have a mani/pedi, something done to my hair ~ a cut color highlights blowout something, go to a movie, invite a friend (who isn't working) over or meet for afternoon tea (no, I'm not British, just love tea and shortbread), work on my Christmas list/planner, and read, read, read, I LOVE to read.

Have a great staycation ツ

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answers from Boston on

I'd stay away from all those projects! Your vacation is supposed to restore you, so unless cleaning and painting really make you feel awesome, I'd ignore it. It doesn't seem like your husband and kids are doing them! LOL. So they are relaxing and having fun, but you're not.

I'd go to the library and get myself a few good books. I'd sit out on the deck (and not notice that it needs to be painted!) and sip iced tea and maybe a lunch I picked up or one of those salads I made ahead of time. I'd take myself to a noon movie and enjoy something bad like candy or popcorn. I'd go browse at a store I've admired just to fantasize - home decor, gardening, whatever you like. I'd go to a local art museum or science museum, and enjoy doing it without making sure the kids were interested. Many of them have courtyards or patios and you can take your salad with you. I'd go to lunch with a friend and make it a grown-up restaurant instead of a kid-friendly place, and I might even order a glass of wine! I'd go sit on a beach or at the lake/pond, with a picnic, a chair, and a good book. I'd go try on some new clothes or maybe treat myself to a new bra or two - I'm always the one who goes without, and I'd use my stay-cation (and all the money I'm saving) to do something about that!. If I didn't feel like shopping, I'd get a massage or a manicure, whatever is a treat for me.

At night, I'd rent a few movies that my child and I could enjoy together, go out for ice cream, play mini golf, or do anything that's appropriate for the child who's home with you that wouldn't be enjoyed by the one who's visiting the grandparents. I'd create some special time with him.

I'd cram as much of that 10 hours of business time into one or two days so I'd have some full days free to really rest up and reinvigorate my mind!

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answers from New York on

I would go shopping all by myself (not for food! for clothes, shoes, purse, etc.) Imagine taking the time to try things on and think about it....
I'd pick several good books to read, rent some movies that my hubby would not be interested in, take some yoga classes, now I'm jealous! Have fun!

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answers from Jackson on

Home Alone! The two words are awesome together! I would (first) get my house in tip top shape so I don't have to worry about it the whole staycation. Then I would start on projects I want to do... like sewing. I have several projects just waiting on me. I do not enjoy sewing as much as I enjoy other things. I would bake a cake or cupcakes and enjoy eating them ALONE! (and share them with my child when he got home) I would go for walks on trails or bike rides. I would make an appointment for a hot stone massage and a pedicure. I would take a nap once in a while... not everyday. I would go window shopping. I would paint a picture or two... I love painting. Gosh, the possibilities are endless!!

I hardly ever get free time. I am a full time student, stay at home mother, and an Army wife... whose husband is deployed at least every other year. Enjoy that time to yourself!!! Relax!

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answers from Boca Raton on

I would do absolutely, positively NOTHING!!!!! Plant my butt on the couch and watch every DVR show I enjoy! Have fun!

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answers from Baton Rouge on

I spent my staycation in my bikini, lying on my chaise, sunvbathing.

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answers from Huntsville on

Absolutely NOTHING. LOL I think I would stay in bed all day & watch movies!

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answers from Minneapolis on

The first day I would organize and do what I needed in the house so I could truly relax. I would nap and read, go for walks, go out to a movie I wanted to see, meet a friend for lunch. Or do nothing at all. Time alone is truly a gift, do what makes you feel good.



answers from Detroit on

Go have a spa day - massage, pedicure, facial, the works!


answers from Sherman on

I would start a craft project, but that sounds like the opposite of what ur looking for.
i would be totally bored by my self, this does not sound like allot of fun to me. so i would call up a friend to hang out. and make a lunch date for a few days that week with different people.
maybe catch some movies! buy a new book. buying a basket of fancy pants bath stuff is a must.


answers from Phoenix on

Nothing! I would watch favorite movies or ones I haven't seen, I would eat some food I shouldnt, read some good books, sit in the bathtub for a long time, take a lot of naps, make lunch plans with friends and that's pretty much it. But I get to do a lot of that anyway since I work from home and my kids are older. I am blessed with LOTS of "me time". Have fun!!! =)



answers from Minneapolis on

well - I just finished my staycation! My 3 kids went to WI for a week with my SIL (next year I take her 3 kids for a week). And, my husband was gone for the first half of the week for work.

During my staycation I:

went to Ikea - bought some storage units and assembled them.
cleaned kid closets.
painted our screened porch (inside).
went to see Magic Mike with my other SIL
went out to a fancy dinner with my husband and our best friend couple.
went to the Y in the evening - a treat for me - I never get to take those classes.
Once my husband was home - we spent a good chunk of time working together to remodel our 1st floor 1/2 bath - but we also did make it out for dinner one night and I had lunch on Saturday with a girlfriend as well.

I'd say I had a great mix of quiet me time, and getting stuff done time.

Have a good week!


answers from Grand Forks on

I would go to the beach by myself with a good book. I would go out to lunch alone. I would go for a massage. I would go to a grown up movie. Mostly the things that are hard to do when I've got the kids.

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