My son is 13 and he has been doing his own laundry since he turned 12. And, yes, he knows how to sort and use bleach. He also does the dishes - and we do not have a dishwasher - mops the floors, takes care of the dogs - we have 4 four of those. He knows how to dust and vacuum and last night he used carpet cleaner for the first time. :) He helps me cook - my goal is for him to learn how to cook at least 4 easy, yummy meals without me. He is responible for keeping his bathroom neat and he is the trash taker outer. He takes all trash to the blue bin and the bin back and forth to the curb on trash days.
Hmmm, when I type this out is does look like a lot. But I do my laundry, all the bed linens, all the heavy scrubbing, sweeping - because he really hates to do that, take care of the 3 cats, and work and support him and the house and provide him with all that he needs and much of what he wants. I do help out with dishes and have been known to toss his jeans in with mine.
He does not get an allowance as I feel that sharing the household work is just part of being a family. Since it is only the two of us, he does do more than most of his friends around the house.
We were butting heads for awhile over chores - he just would not do them. We sat down and talked about it and although I think we were even on the division of labor I had given him some chores he just hated to do, like sweeping. So we juggled the list and now he mops after I sweep. Which is great because I hate mopping.
Just talk to your son and let him help you make his chore list. With my 13 year old it helps to have him be a part of the decisions. You can explain to your son that at some point in life he will live on his own and needs to know how to take care of his clothing and keep a house neat.
I think children are really much more willing to help around the house than we realize. Good Luck