You don't have to wean just because she has teeth. If that were the case then every baby would be weaned before age 1. If she wants to nurse she won't bite. You have to very firmly tell her "no bite" and take her off the breast. Then put her back to breast. She will get it very quickly. She is biting down because it makes her gums feel better. Try giving her tylenol during the day to make nursing easier for her and give her teething rings as she likes the counte-rpressure when biting. It relieves the pain in her gums. This is just a phase and it will pass quickly. Honestly, by the time you went thru the weaning process she will be over the pain and will go back to nursing just as she has done before. Doesn't make much sense to wean when you think about it like that.
You've come this far and only have a couple more months to go. Try to stick with it. :)