Hiya J.,
It is a phase they going through biting. My daughter is 20 months old and I still breastfeed her as well. She does have a mouth full of teeth and she does bite me once in a while. When she does bite me I will let out a Loud "OUCH" and break her away from nursing and say "No biting and it HURTS!" Eventually she will get the message that if I continue to bite I will not get any more "Nummy" that is what my daughter calls it. She may cry for a moment or so but usually she will give me a kiss and say sorry then I usually will give it to her again if she asks for it otherwise I keep her busy with something else. It seems that she thinks it is a game and funny but I would not encourage her biting tho.
As for Cow Milk, as she doesn't have any allergies to milk, it is not too soon to introduce milk to her. My daughter drinks 1% milk along with the rest of the family. She doesn't like the whole milk nor do I, to thick and creamy in my opinion.
I hope that helps.
You can always PM me and I will respond as soon I could