No please stop worrying. Do the basics and call it a day.
Hi Mamas,
Are any of you out there freaked out about the swine flu as much as I am? An 11 yr old healthy girl just died from it and she attended the same elementary school I did as a child. She died from pneumonia complications which is caused from the flu. I have 3 children, ages 8, 3 & 1. My 8 yr old is in public school and the school has had confirmed cases this year of swine and many many kids out sick.
So far my DD has not shown any symptoms but I feel every day I'm wondering, is this gonna be the day we all get sick?
I'm not worried about actually being sick and recovering, I can handle that.......what I'm worried so much about is why so many healthy kids are dying and others say it wasn't that bad for them.........is there something wrong the parents did of the kids who are dying from it? (not getting medical attention quick enough) etc.
I'm already washing mine and my kids hands all day as good as we possibly can and making sure my house is clean......what else can we do to be safe? and with having a school aged child is there any way to really beat this nasty flu??
TIA for your advice! This site truly is a life saver!!
No please stop worrying. Do the basics and call it a day.
It's true, people are freaking out because the swine flu is just another strain of the flu and we had never heard about. I would STRESS handwashing ALOT, use anti-bacterial gels, I like the Clorox sanitizing wipes to clean my 2 year old's toys and door knobs and things like that.
Have your 8 year old take anti-bacterial to school and teach her to use it before she eats, sneezes, touches her nose, simple things like that. And do the same at home.
The seasonal flu shot is available in most places and the H1N1 vaccine is set to be out next month.
Runny noses and coughing are normal this time of year since the weather is changing. If your children start to run fever, take them to the doctor as soon as possible. Fever a sign that there is a bacterial or viral threat in your body.
Dana said it PERFECTLY!!! We have overhyped the "swine flu" H1N1 - bc it is a newer strain of influenza virus - last flu season more people died from complications from other strains of influenza than from H1N1... keep persepective.
HANDWASHING!! and use common sense... stay home when sick, eat healthy to keep your immune system strong, avoid crowded environments when possible. Get your flu shots.
The only thing we are adding (besides limiting sugar, washing hands, etc.) is vitamin D, per our pediatrician and reconfirmed by a nurse friend. I bought a liquid one from Dr. Chalmers (at Chalmers Wellness) and it is so easy...I put a couple of drops of it on their hand and they lick it, so I know they got it....then of course we wash hands and continue breakfast, but that is it......that is all we have been advised to add.
Swine Flu is a bad thing yes. But if you do not take care of your self and wash you hands and stay healthy with eatting right. Then yes you will get it. The girl was one of the children that really doesn't care of them selfs at school. Most children don't wash hands or cough in their elbow. They are touching every thing and they have germs. The flu shot for the regular flu will do good until the other comes out. Also echinacea will help for children. It builds there immune system up. Try it and you also. B.
Every year, previously healthy children (and adults) contract the seasonal flu and die from their illness. This is so sad, but it happens EVERY year. On the other hand many, many people get the seasonal flu and completely recover. Overall, H1N1 flu is as severe or less severe than the seasonal flu we see every year. Although it is sad and troubling, we should expect H1N1 to take some lives. But many, many more will get H1N1 and completely recover. You're doing exactly what you need to do to protect your family. And remember the seasonal flu vaccine is available now, and sounds like H1N1 vaccine will be available soon.
Visit CDC's website--it has lots of good information for parents. http://www.cdc.gov/h1n1flu/
Hopefully your child won't get sick at all, but these are some things to watch for if your child does get the flu:
FROM THE CDC...If you become ill and experience any of the following warning signs, seek emergency medical care.
In children, emergency warning signs that need urgent medical attention include:
Fast breathing or trouble breathing
Bluish or gray skin color
Not drinking enough fluids
Severe or persistent vomiting
Not waking up or not interacting
Being so irritable that the child does not want to be held
Flu-like symptoms improve but then return with fever and worse cough
In adults, emergency warning signs that need urgent medical attention include:
Difficulty breathing or shortness of breath
Pain or pressure in the chest or abdomen
Sudden dizziness
Severe or persistent vomiting
Flu-like symptoms improve but then return with fever and worse cough
Hope that helps and stay well!!!
My BIL is recovering from the swine flu. He never ran a fever but it's probably because they caught it extremely early. He had the sniffles and just within hours became extremely tired. His best friend was horrible sick (fever, fatigue, vomiting and diarrhea) so MIL acted early. I think the main thing is being aware of the symptoms, taking them to the Dr early and making sure they don't get dehydrated. It is scary but you can't do more than what you are doing. Make sure your kids and any one living with them gets their flu shots.
Read this story about washing hands and using hand sanitizer. I plan to make sure that we all get the regular flu shot and have my fourth grader wash his hands as soon as he get home from school.
We are not freaking out about it at our house. We are following the simple rules we have followed every year.
WASH HANDS. Know the symptoms.
We have a couple of RN's and a Dr. in the family and they stress washing hands is the best way to keep the flu away.
I also substitute teach and washing hands is stressed as well as the nurse has come into each classroom to show the children how to cough or sneeze into their arms.
My 14 yr old and I carry the gel and individually wrapped wet ones in our purse.
Just be aware. Don't let your fear take over your common sense. Don't let your fear cause your children to be scared.
Best wishes!