Sorry to say this, but why did you adopt a child if you are still going to work full time, date, and then want to take a 5 day trip without her? You are already not spending much time with her because you are working, and now you want to have "grown up time"? Why did you adopt in the first place? Having "grown up time" once you have children is maybe going on a date night, or even possibly a weekend get-a-way IF you are MARRIED - to enhance your family life and set a good example as to what family is all about. Please reconsider. Your little girl needs a mommy to love her and spend quality time with her. You are already limiting the time spent with her by working full time, and now you want to get away, and spend 5 days with someone you are in a relationship with, while your child is being raised by someone else? I just don't understand why you would adopt if this is where your priorities are. Don't get me wrong, I am a mother of two toddlers, and yes, it is exhausting and there are times that I crave "alone time" but I made the choice to have children, and now they are my responsibility and my life. They are only little once, and time goes by so fast. Your priority right now should be raising your child and teaching your child, and spending all of the time that you can with her. This is just my opinion, but I wish you would take it to heart and think about how little time your daughter already gets - you work and you are a single mom. That is amazing, and you are respected for that. But please, Always remember that YOU are her favorite toy. Please don't break her heart - she is depending on you...