ETA - I didn't saying that I didn't understand Hypermesis G like one of our moms here mentions having. The original poster didn't say that she has been diagnosed with it. There ARE specific medicines for that, as well as IV fluids and even hospitalization. My remarks are specifically for using the medicine the original poster is using. Doctors learned an awful lot after the thalidomide tragedy. They are NOT quick to prescribe a medicine that has not been researched for this purpose. The mylan ondansetron is off label for morning sickness.
Please read up on the drug called thalidomide.
That's a primer on it. If you read about children exposed to thalidomide, you would understand why most moms try very hard to ride morning sickness out and not take medications for it.
Better to have a dirty house and unwashed clothes than take the chance of a baby with birth defects.
We all understand morning sickness. We also know that it eventually goes away and a healthy baby is the prize at the end of the line. You can do this. Leave off the mylan ondansetron.