Oh Mama K., don't be scared to death really!! I'm sure you understand that H. pylori is a bacteria. I work for a national laboratory and I focused on this test last year in my physician practices. In training, we manage to convince ourselves that we have every disease we are studying, we have almost all been tested for it and it is actually quite prevalent and treatable.
I wish he were 18 because I prefer the method of testing done by the urea breath test instead of the blood test or the stool antigen test but it is not approved by the FDA for children yet. For him the stool antigen test is going to be the most accurate for detection of a present infection (the blood test will indicate past or current infection but can't be differentiated).
**He will also have to be off proton pump inhibitors (Prilosec, Nexium, Protonix), antibiotics and bismuth preparations for TWO WEEKS prior to testing or he could get a false negative result.
If he were to be positive, he would receive the antibiotics and then it is really important for him to take the stool antigen test four weeks later to make sure the treatment was successful. Don't forget this one! Many people blow it off because they feel well.
Hopefully I made a little bit of sense. I would check with the physician (who may need to check with the lab) about stopping the medications. Some doctors don't pay attention and I don't want him to receive a false negative.
I have tons of information from the American Gastroenterological Association and The American College of Gastroenterology if you want it.
Best of luck!