Dear D. ... wish I did have a solution for ya ... open arms to all of us ... nature can seem so unfair at times ...not fair that our babies hurt and we can't take the pain away.
My 2 cents on this is ... even tho our beloveds are screaming/writhing in pain... maybe and even over-riding their pain on a deeper level is feeling as we hold them in our arms and hearts with 'our' knowing that they can't help it and that we have NOT done ANY thing wrong, while we lovingly walk, rock, feed, change and sing to them ... that they incorporate each of these experiences into their life's memories for future reference of 'what support' REALLY is all about.
God bless our open hearts and arms - and here, I'm talking about both our BABYIES' hearts and arms ... and of course all Mama's... no matter how old any of us are on this journey.
I'm sure we all wish we could help you get some sleep, D. and your sweet little princess as well. God Bless, M