I have no idea about this, but what i would caution you about is your reaction that you give your son when he does this.
He is obviously getting a reaction from you everytime he does it, i know it would drive me crazy also, but i would suggest that you contact your pedia about this as well
I would start not reacting to this, ignore him somewhat/he is getting negative attention from you???at this same time i would watch him so he doesn't get hurt, but make a routine where he knows this is not ok, I know this is kinda hard with a 10 month old... What i suggest you do is also start keeping a log of this time, so you have something to show the doctor the next time you are in and anything else that seems out of sorts
good luck to you
I also agree about the wet frozen wash clothes and we did the frozen teething rings as well, i think i used anything frozen that a baby could chew on... i have forgotten about those days and they were not fun, my kids were given alot of tylenol back then and i only had 1 gager.