Dear M.,
My son is almost two and I believe that he is cutting his mollars, as well. He has experienced very similar symptoms and behavior. As far as not eating, I definitely do feel that the decrease in appetite is part of the teething process. He has always cut down on eating solid food during a big growth spurt or cutting teeth - he tends to nurse a lot more as well. Don't worry if she doesn't want to eat big meals each day, just look at her eating over a two week period - some days she'll eat more and some days less. And, it is quite natural to fast when your body needs to use the energy that it would normally use to break down food. Also, it could be painful to eat. Have you tried smoothies? Most kids will at least drink a smoothie even if their teeth are hurting. A simple recipe is 1 banana, 1 scoop of protein powder (we like Living Harvest hemp protein which you can get at Sundance), 3/4 - 1 cup of juice, a little yogurt or hemp/soy/rice milk, and 1/2 cup frozen berries. Blend it up - a great way to get some protein, vitamins and fruit in her tummy. Good luck!