While you are getting your daughter evaluated, you may want to go ahead and try making adjustments to her diet, your cleaning products, and her body care. The part I know about is the diet and I have some information that Dr. Billy Johnson has written about antioxidants, phytonutrients and autism. Both he and Jenny McCarthy (sp) recommend MonaVie as a helpful product. I also have a girlfriend with a son with Asbergers (again, spelling help?!) and she found that when she added MonaVie to his diet, he became more social. It may not sound like much, but she noticed that instead of being perfectly happy playing alone all day, he started asking to play with friends. Even for children that are not autism spectrum, it is simply a great thing to add to their day because it provides so many antioxidants and phytonutrients - the equivalent of eating 13 common fruits and vegetables a day. As we all look for convenient ways to get more fruits and vegetables into our kids, this tops the list.
E. - shoot me a note if you want a copy of what Dr. Johnson has written. He also has a book called New Prescription for Childhood obesity in which he focuses on the great need for antioxidants and phytonutrients.