A wise constituent follows the money...not the media. If you know who is backing the candidate, where they're spending and investing their money, then you know what you're getting into if you vote for them.
The media is all smoke and mirrors. Everyone knows that. The debates, the speeches, the ad campaigns are all the window dressing, the presentation before the meal. If you're gullible to buy it, then you get what you deserve.
Anyone who is serious about the elections knows to get their voting record (if it's an incumbent we're talking about) and most importantly the donor lists and take it from there. Gleaning information from a debate on the networks is as valuable as a penney in a slot casino. You know that a week later, all of the candidates will be back tracking and restating what they said the week before to "clarify" their position on something that didn't appeal as they hoped it would with the masses. But what few people bother to do is match those statements to their voting record and donor lists. More often than not they say what they need to say, but will vote otherwise if they get in office.