my daughter has never had stomach problems but whenever she is constipated i usually give her a little flaxseed oil (she'll take it by the spoon but mixing it in oatmeal/yogurt/applesauce works too). it's better than mineral oil or other kinds because it does not leach the body of nutrients on it's way out of the system. my kid just potty trained with a baby bjorn potty chair and she was way less scared about pooping on it than in the big potty. she was constipated between poops and at first she would ask me for a diaper when she had to poop but i would tell her no and just read to her while she sat on the potty chair. i feel so bad for you two because it's hard enough to deal with potty training and then to add food allergy to that must make things really hard. i just kept telling myself through the process "i don't know any freshmen in college who still wear diapers!"