Hi M..
My daughter is almost 6 months old (next week) and we have just started weaning her on the swaddling thing. We tried cold turkey..but that just didn't work. She had a very strong startle reflex right from the get go that hung on for a bit. In addition, if she has both arms free all she wants to do is play... with anything and everything. What we have done is only wrap one arm. We've been doing this for about a week and I plan on doing it for another week. With one arm out and one arm wrapped she has been able to fall asleep with no issues. Also, the added benefit is she uses a paci ... so with one arm free she can put it in her mouth herself when she needs it!
The next step I plan to take is swaddling with both arm free. This may sound silly...but I've gotten this advice from other moms who have tried it. They said the wrapping around the body still gave baby that secure feeling and eventually they were able to take the blanket away all together.
Every kid is different and some kids need to be swaddled for various reasons. My daughter is one of them. The reason I agressively started to wean her is because she can roll over now. I didn't want her rolling over with her arms wrapped up and not be able to right herself. Also she kept wiggling out of the swaddle every night and then couldn't fall asleep again.
I've noticed that with the one arm free... she either doesn't wriggle out OR if she does then many times she can stay or fall back asleep pretty easily.
Good luck!
R. H