First I want to say that your husband needs to realize that it's really nothing personal.
My 2 1/2 year old says "go away papa" or cries for mama to do things all the time.
I really think it's totally normal and will change. Do you notice it more when she is tired or not feeling well or hungry or overstimulated, etc.
My son is happy to be with papa when all things are in line, but if there is one thing off (tired, sick, etc), it's all about mama.
Although they are learning it, empathy really doesn't come until later, so she probably really doesn't get that it hurts his feelings. You should continue to let her know that it does, but I wouldn't expect her to truly understand.
At our house if my son wakes up and insists on me (crying, etc) then he can have me. BUT I don't go pick him up or snuggle necessarily, but he can get out of his bed and come with me to the kitchen or wherever I was when his papa tried to go help him. I guess what I am trying to show him is that I am always there for him but not necessarily on his terms. Does that make sense?
At her age, she will change daily, weekly, monthly and this may all go away or continue a while.
I don't think there is an answer. I would just reinforce to your husband that nothing is personal at this stage in the game. I wouldn't insist that she go to your husband. She will just dig herself in her hole even deeper....that's just the emotional maturity level they have at that age.
Hang in....remember, this too shall pass! :)