My daughter went thru the same thing only she was two! I tried putting her to bed a little later (she's usually down between 7-8pm). The closer I got to 8 she slept thru most of the night. I also stayed away from giving her anything with sugar or caffeine or that might possibly keep her up, after 6pm. If weather permitted I would let her play outside to use up some of that energy that she would get on the 1 hour carride home. Establishing a routine might also help. Start with brushing her teeth, getting her dolls ready for bed, pick a book or two and read to her. She might also be experiencing some stress because she will no longer be the baby. I found this book yesterday, "The Night You Were Born". The most special day to every parent is that day when their own unique little child is born into this world. It is a day of wonder and amazement, a very unique day unlike any other in their life. On this special day, to them alone, has this little precious baby child been born, and there will never be another one in the entirety of time like this baby. On The Night You Were Born is a precious children's book about this very special little person brought into the world on this very special day.
Maybe you can start with this book. Good luck.