i would have her sit on what ever potty seat you have and let her blow bubbles with you sitting right with her giving her your focused attention. The Blowing of bubbles will relax her and she should go if she has to.
Last week I noticed my 2-1/2 yr old daughter walking on her tiptopes and squeezing her butt together like she was trying not to poop. It went on for a little while and then I decided to sit her on her potty. She finally went. She did the same thing later in the week. So last Friday I decided to start potty training her. She did AMAZING. I couldn't have asked for a more easy experience. Well she didn't poop Friday and I didn't think anything of it. Saturday, no poop, Sunday, no poop and no poop today either. I know she has to go. She'll whine and squeeze her butt together, a little has snuck out. (I'm sorry this is gross) Last week when she went on the potty it was soft and not hard like she was constipated or anything. I'm quite sure she is not constipated and she is just deliberately holding it in. I've done the whole apple/prune juice thing even though i know she's not constipated. I even let her wear diapers today hoping she would just go in her diaper. I can't get her to go anywhere.
I know it's not good to hold it in. How long should I let her go? Is there anything else I can try? I'm getting frustrated and concerned. she tells me her belly hurts and i keep telling her to go poop because it will make it feel better, i've tried bribing her but nothing.
i would have her sit on what ever potty seat you have and let her blow bubbles with you sitting right with her giving her your focused attention. The Blowing of bubbles will relax her and she should go if she has to.
Kids sometimes get anxious/frustrated/resentful about potty training even after having a good, running start. I'd keep working on the emotional motivation end of it as if she hadn't "committed" completely to the process. It has, after all, only been a week since she started learning the new drill.
When you're NOT expecting immediate interaction with the potty, read books about it, have conversations/play acting about it with dolls or puppets acting out the roles, watch videos, talk about the freedom of no more diapers, the simple joy and pride of being able to do a new, big-girl activity. As best you can, keep ALL of your own expectations out of it, don't over-dramatize (kids can spot emotional manipulation). and come at it as if you only want to help your daughter succeed on her terms. (You will, of course, still have an agenda, but keep it as subdued as possible.)
One book I've seen recommended several times is It Hurts When I Poop. If this has not yet been an issue with your daughter, it could soon become one. If she wasn't constipated yesterday, that's not a guarantee that she's not today. I'd also like to suggest glycerine suppositories for kids, available in a liquid form. It's not a regular fall-back remedy, because it's invasive from the child's point of view, but if the poor child is genuinely stuck, it's helpful, and quick.
But usually, withholding pee or poop begins in response to the parent taking too much control of a new skill that the child needs to control herself. It's often so subtle and "natural" that the parent doesn't notice this happening. But the child does, and quite naturally resents it. You can't learn to walk or talk for her. Same with using the potty. The initiative, effort, and success are best left up to her own timing.
1/2 a child-size suppository will have her pooping in 15 minutes ;) A trick a natural-minded nurse told me. No laxatives or chemicals running through her body, no waiting for juice to do it's thing. Try it:) Lots of kids take some time to get used to going on the potty. Tell her she'll get ______ if she poos on the potty once and ______ if she does it all week.
Put her on the potty until she goes, if she does not want to sit there she will go, don't give in. At 2 1/2 she should be way past this point. Did you reward her when she did go in the potty> I used reward and discipline with my 3 and I used reward and discipline with my daycare kids. J.
Put her on the potty until she goes, if she does not want to sit there she will go, don't give in. At 2 1/2 she should be way past this point. Did you reward her when she did go in the potty> I used reward and discipline with my 3 and I used reward and discipline with my daycare kids. J.
what is she using to poop in, regular toilet or a potty seat? maybe she doesn't like going where she is... have you tried letting her go in whichever one she doesn't use? (if that makes sense... go in toilet if she uses seat, get a seat if she uses toilet...)