Toilet Training - La Grange,IL

Updated on October 10, 2007
L.R. asks from La Grange, IL
4 answers

We are getting close(3-6 mos. away) to start potty training and I am looking for recommendations on a potty for a little girl.

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answers from Chicago on

Hi L.. I too think that 18 months might be a bit too soon. My daughter (now 26 months) was interested aroud 18-19 months and was going potty all the time at home and wearing cute panties and then she totally regressed so i completely let it go. About a month ago she started asking again to go potty. She loves trains so I drew a big train on a big piece of posterboard and everytime she goes potty she gets a sticker. SHE LOVES THE STICKERS! Then when she had 20 stickers we took her to chuck e cheese and totally made a big deal about how we were there because kate went peepee on the potty like a big girl....she loved it!

Also, I am having a hard time getting her to poop on the potty so now whenever she has to poop I know its coming because she gets really ansy and brings me a diaper. when she fills the diaper, i let her watch me dump the poop into the toilet and i tell her this is where we go poop. i think she is starting to get it a bit more.

i know that you are anxious to get her out of the diapers, but just be patient...she will let you know when she is ready. good luck!!



answers from Chicago on

My son hated those little potties. I ended up using a stool and he used the big potty. Plus, it is one less transition in the training. When you are out at a store, they don't have little potties. So, I am a fan of going straight to the big potty. We just bought a little seat thingy you put on top of the big potty so they don't fall in. At a store, I had to hold him on their for a little while until he felt comfortable.

Your daughter is very young, so I would not try to force potty training. I would try for a week. If she doesn't do it, then wait a month or two. I see many moms who are "trained" at that age, and not their kids. And, I have seen kids who are actually trained at that age. Good luck!



answers from Chicago on

I tried all the potty tricks with both my kids I bought a potty for my son and he used it as a hat. I would suggest a stool so she can climb up there and "sit like mama".



answers from Chicago on

at home during the day i liked using the thicker undies from walmart with plastic pants over
and at night i used the thin reg panties with pull up over
my daughter always alerted me because she didn't like pee pee pants
a poster board taped to the back of the door
so many potty stickers equaled a prize
keep the prizes small as to not break the bank

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