We were the exact same way! My daughter is now 14 months old and sleeping in her own crib since about a year or so. Here is what worked for us...
When she was about 10 months or so, we placed a port-a-crib at the end of our bed. I would start her off at night by putting her in there. She would sleep until about 1 or 2am at which point I did bring her in bed with us (sometimes I was on auto-pilot) I think is was an easier transition this way cause she was still close and could hear us breathing. On her 1st birthday we successfully transitioned her to her own crib in her own room without any trama for anyone. She would still wake in the middle of the night at first, I would bring her back to our bed. After about 2 weeks or so, she would just let out one cry, at first I'd star to get up, but realized after checking on her that she was still sleeping. Now she is completely sleeping right through the night in her own room. Now I just need to figure out how to eventually wean her AND "myself" (she's our last) from breastfeeding, LOL!
We found that it still is comforting to baby to be near you and gradually moving them makes transitioning easier, for us at least. This is what worked for us with 2 of our 3 kids. -with our oldest I had to work nights :( so my hubby was in charge of the nights. He was always in his crib