I read a book recently about brain injuries. I would have it checked out just to be sure since you still have symptoms (headache).
Hey, so I bought an IKEA Billy bookcase, and despite what you mama's told me (I asked if the glass would be suitable around a baby) I was putting things on it with out securing it to the wall. So I put my tv on it and and started putting books when all of a sudden the tv was on my head and the entire case was about to crash on me. But I was able to stop the case from that. The tv is fine. . . but my head is killing me still. That happened last night. I was already super tired at the time, and I got slightly dizzy (may like 30 sec worth) and my head felt ok, just sore. But now it's killing. . .should I be concerned? The tv is 10 lbs tops.
******* Ok people!! Stop making me feel like a horrible mom. I'm sure you've done stupid things in your life around your baby. Not everyone is perfect. I get it. I'll never get tired again and do stupid things. My son is only 10 months and is in the lowest crib setting so he can't get out YET. And I'm in the room so if he starts to climb (which he can bairley stand up) I can be right there. He ISN'T playing on the ground till the cases are secure. It will be secure to the wall along with my other bookcases I just have to wait for my dad to do it because he's anal about things so he insist on doing it. REPEAT!! IT WILL BE SECURE!!!
Thanks for your help. But to answer the not to be a bitch post. . I clearly stated I was tired. I've been in finals mode for 3 weeks now and have been exhausted. When I get tired and I hear when others get tired you tend to do stupid things. so that is why.
**Sorry it was the top of my head and not the back. I was leaning in then back when i noticed something going on and that is when my tv hit my head.
Oh and no fear my dad is going to secure it to the wall tonight or tomorrow. And the only time we are in the room is to change his diaper or when he is in his crib. We are avoiding the room till it is secure.
I read a book recently about brain injuries. I would have it checked out just to be sure since you still have symptoms (headache).
I hope that you are feeling better now. I would get checked out just to calm your mind. Hope you are fully recovered soon! Take good care~
Get yourself checked out. It's a head injury. Ten pounds can do some damage when it's on your skull and your spine. You have a baby boy to raise and you don't need any surprises about your physical health.
Ask a neighbor to come and secure the bookcase to the wall after you call the doctor's office.
Of events like this, stories for the children (and later grandchildren) are made.
Well we all know hindsight is 20/20. If you haven't vomitted prob not a concussion but you should still get it checked out since you have a killer headache. 10lbs can do some damage, thank God it wasn't something heavier.
Not a bad idea to get checked if it continues to bother you. It's probably ok but do remember that even though it was only 10 pounds, it's still a jolt to your body. Lots of muscles and tendons go into a protective mode when there's a sudden shock so it may be a lot of muscle tension/strain you are feeling now. Do check it out though if you really feel you should.
I would get checked out and a chiropractic visit would be a very good thing. To have something that heavy land on your head can do some pretty major damage to the spine. And hey I remember doing something similar that is stupid lol. I was sleep deprived and stacked way too much weight on those chintzy closet shelves and bam domino effect all three shelves came falling down on me...scrap booking stuff is heavy :(
Well not sure what others told you, but you need to secure ANY tall book case especially when you have kids!
I don't think glass is an issue at all, as long as it is secure to a wall!
Please do that ASAP before any kiddos get hurt from climbing ect.
As for your head you could have a concussion! However there isn't much you can do for it. I fell and hit my head last week (cracked it open a bit) and it still is killing me. It will just take time to heal.
If the headache gets worse you do need to see a doc...
Get to the doctor, just to be safe. Head injuries are nasty. Hope you feel better soon.
OMG...secure all tall furniture to the wall. Kids are going to be kids and climb, as for adults...you can't fix stupid..what did U expect??? Expect it to happen again only this time it will be your child...like I said they do climb...
And that is OUT OF THE CRIB..AND UP THE BOOKCASE. (Thats what my lovin moma would have said to me) Don't take chances with your child's well being.
this reminded me of about a month ago the iron fell off my shelf and hit me on the head, my husband wanted me to go to the hospital because he said i was "acting funny", i probably should have, you probably should to, better safe than sorry