I had the same issue with two of my kids. It is REALLY frustrating. We ended up on Alimentum. I'm not even really sure how much it helped, but it was our last resort and it was covered by insurance. Nobody wants to see their baby upset, but so many babies have issues with horrible gas/colic. I think that more than anything it is just their sensitive "new" little systems. As their body matures they tolerate food much easier.
I know myself, I switched from so many different formulas, I tried every bottle on the market, I did the Mylicon drops, I even tried prescription anti-gas medications. With both kids it just kind of stopped around 12-14 weeks. I think that was when their bodies were ready.
My sister in law had premie twins and it was the same battle with them as well. I'm sure that right now you are experiencing a lot of crying and gas and the occasional happy baby, but gradually that will turn around. You will have a happy, easy baby that will occasionally be fussy. Hang in there! It is not easy, but before you know it, life will be much easier.
Also, I swear that if you have a really collicky baby, once they are over that stage and they are feeling better, they turn out to be the most content, easy-going babies!