Soothing & Comforting: Alimentum

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9 answers

Similac Alimentum Help.

My son is now 6 weeks old. He has been on Alimentum since he was about 3 weeks old. His doctor never really explained anything about it to me, she just said that's what she'd like him to be on after I brought him in complaining about him projectile vomiting a few times. She never tested anything. She keeps tellling me to keep him on this Alimentum. My son hardly sleeps, maybe an hour or so per night/day, not even car rides put him out. He doesn't fuss or anything, he just simply won't sleep. He also constantly eats. He's eating 6 ounces...

Baby Swings

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14 answers

Similac Alimentum Stool/Bowel Movements and Increased Gas on Prevacid?

I have two questions here - Sorry - 1. Similac Alimentum Stool/Bowel Movements I recently changed my son over from Neocate (a special hypoallergenic formula for severe milk allergy) to Similac Alimentum - at the direction of my pediatrician. (We were originally on Enfamil Nutramagen and around 4 weeks old he had blood in his stool, so the doctor switched to Neocate and it cleared up.) Then a couple weeks ago we switched him to Alimentum - since the Neocate is SUPER expensive - more than the Alimentum if you can believe that - can...


Baby Very Fussy

I have a newborn daughter (just turned 1 month old) that is VERY fussy...


Sleeping in Swing

My son is almost 6 weeks old and the only way that he will sleep for longer...


See all 385 articles
11 answers

What Is Colic?

My 7 week old daughter might be colic. This is my first and I hear different things like "all babies cry". We had switched her formula 4 times and she is now on Gentlease by Emfamil. This seems to work but now she cries(screams) everyday, about the same time. Yesterday it was for 3 hours and it got so bad I had to call my mother to come over. Thankfully she lives about 10 minutes away. I just reached a breaking point and started crying myself. I took her temp and it was fine. Nothing soothed her. If she does this everyday is this colic or...


Could It Be Colic?

My daughter would always get fussy between the hours of 6p and 8 pm...but...


Is This Colic?

My daughter is 2 months old and has recently become very fussy especially in...


Is It Colic?

My 6 week old has been having trouble with having bowel movements pretty...


Gripe Water

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22 answers

Anyone Has Used Gripe Water for Colic?

I have a two week old and she's got really bad colic and constipation. I've heard gripe water is good for colic, can anyone tell me if it works and what brand to use? My pediatritian says its normal to have colic and won't give me anything for it but she seems to be in so much pain I can't stand it. Please help!

Nap & Bedtime

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18 answers

How to make my infant sleep more or sleep longer?

My 6 month old daughter will only sleep about 3 hours (from 11:00 to 2:00) and then she'll sleep until 4:00. After that we're lucky if she goes back down for another hour. She won't sleep AT ALL during the day. So she's only getting 7-8 hours of sleep total in a 24 hour period. I am very concerned that this will begin to affect her health. She's only slept longer two times when we gave her Tylenol. Giving my child Tylenol is not a long term solution. I've discussed with my doctor and not gotten much help. She does have reflux but she...


Sleep Deprived Mom

My son won't sleep. He takes a bottle then needs to be upright for about...


Sleep Advice Needed

My 6 1/2 month old does not sleep through the night. She typically wakes up...


See all 14 articles
10 answers

Two Questions - Switching Formulas & Preemie Smiling

OK, I'm back again with questions for all you Moms of preemies (and non-preemies). First, I must apologize for any typos, I'm doing this one-handed - as I do most things these days. Anyway, I have an 8 week old son, who was born 6 weeks early. He's been extremely fussy & gassy (some might say colicky) for the last 3 weeks. I took him to the ped. twice and they couldn't find anything specifically wrong, but suggested I switch his formula to Alimentum (he was on Neosure). But, my husband and I decided to first try the Similac Sensitive...