You might try MaxGXL. It has helped others with similar symptoms. ww.InflamNation.MyMaxTeamPro.com
If you want to talk about it, my # is ###-###-####.
A little about me: A holistic, about to be grandma ~ just 5 more wks.!!!
Hi, was recently diagnosed as hypothyroid-symptoms of fatigue, muscle aches etc. I can't take prescribed medicine because it makes my reflux horrible!!! Was wondering if anyone had any success with any natural medicine to help this condidtion. Thanks in advance!!!
You might try MaxGXL. It has helped others with similar symptoms. ww.InflamNation.MyMaxTeamPro.com
If you want to talk about it, my # is ###-###-####.
A little about me: A holistic, about to be grandma ~ just 5 more wks.!!!
Absolutely! I ordered Thyroid Assist from...
I noticed a change in energy within a day or so. Once it got me moving, I was able to stop (didn't want to take anything long term).
I agree with Dawn. Hormone replacements, whether for the thyroid or other type, are most effective when bio-identical. Think of the hormones your thyroid produces as little keys that are very specific. The synthetic thyroid hormones are akin to a 'master key' in that they will mostly fit, but not exactly, and with side effects. A bio-identical thyroid hormone is an exact duplicate of the hormone your body used to produce; leading to lessor or even no side effects.
Also, there are natural adrenal support supplements, that while they will not replace thyroid hormones, they will help prevent the burn out of your adrenal system, which often follows thyroid burnout. Try Seriphos: http://store.agoodvitamin.com/inad90ca.html
To add another prescription on top of this one is playing with your health. Research has shown that people who take one prescription drug are more likely to be on five prescription drugs within 5 years ... and more and more evidence shows that the long term side effects are outweighing the benefits of these drugs.
The less drugs you put into your body, the longer healthier life you will live.
Dr. Hotze, he's amazing. Google him.
Hi S.,
I can help you. I am a health counselor and received my training from the Institute of Integrative Nutrition in NYC. My business is listed in the mamasource business section. You can heal your thryroid thru good nutrition and I can also help you with the reflux. Please email me at ____@____.com or go to my website on the mamasource listing. I can do a free health history with you and go from there. Good luck!
Dear S.,
My name is M.. I am also a mom of a 4 year old, and own a small acupuncture clinic on Bee Caves Road.
Just wanted to let you know that I have treated some people like yourself in the past. In Traditional Chinese Medicine, we see what is causing any health problems and work on the root cause, unlike modern medicine that tries to suppress the symptoms.
Your fatigue, muscle ache and acid reflux seem all related in my eyes. If you are interested, please talk to me. I will give you a free consultation and if you would like to get a treatment, I will give you $20 off the first time.
If you don’t want to take needles (which is painless), we can discuss alternative treatment plans. Please check www.bamboofieldacupuncture.com out and give me a call at ###-###-####.
If you felt solicited in any way, I apologize. I just sincerely want to help moms like you.
M. Uppena, L.Ac.
You could ask the doctor to prescribe Armour brand thyroid, the only natural thyroid med out there. http://www.armourthyroid.com/
Unfortunately hypothyroidism slows down digestion and can make reflux worse. :( If you are able to find a way to tolerate meds for a couple of months it could improve your reflux symptoms.
Hi S.,
Go to a naturopathic dr. Everything they suggest is natural. I took meds for yrs for reflux, til my ND helped me out with improving digestion. I too am taking a natural supplement for underactive thyroid. I've also had help regulating my hormones with natural products. No side effects for any of them. HTH
I take synthroid for my hypothyroidism and I have acid reflux so bad I thought I was having mini heart attacks...apparently acid reflux can cause this phenomena...after a LOT of testing I was placed on nexium. as long as i take my meds I don't experience problems from the acid reflux or the symptoms from the hypothyrodism...it may not be homeopathic but it works.
Good Luck... ;-)
hi, i would honestly treat the thyroid and deal with the reflux. i know reflux is horrible, but your thyroid regulates your entire body. you will have so many other problems if you don't take care of your thyroid issue!!!!!!!!! i can tell you that once i got on thyroid meds it made a HUGE difference in my energy level - especially fatigue - sleeping, weight loss and many other symptoms. i would look online for natural remedies - try reflux.org - and/or go to a pharmacy like peoples pharmacy. good luck!
I take Synthroid for my hypothyroidism and also suffer from acid reflux disease. I take Nexium when my reflux gets bad because it is the only thing that has ever helped. I have never researched a natural alternative to synthroid, but have tried countless things for my reflux...none of which has ever worked for me.
I personally had several doctors tell me that I had to be on thyroid meds for the rest of my life (I took a bioidentical thyroid hormone that I got from a compounding pharmacy. It was a T3T4 replacement.) I simply did not believe that, so I looked to the alternative world. I found a wonderful naturopath (N.D.) and found my solution. I was given some diet restrictions and placed on supplements for thyroid support made by Standard Process, and weaned off of the thyroid replacement. (I had to find a new M.D. who was willing to decrease my dosage every so often in order to wean me off the drug. That took a bit of work to find the willing doctor!) It took almost a full year to get completely off the thyroid replacement, but I've been off of them for almost 3 years now and my thyroid has kicked in and is doing it's job again! A naturopath can also help w/ your reflux. My naturopath has a waiting list of over a year's time, so I think you'll be able to find someone else who can see you sooner than that. If not, let me know and I'll give you her name and you can get on the list. She's in central Houston, near Shepherd and Richmond. I can give you the doctor who helped, also. Look for a Naturopathic Doctor, or N.D. They are not covered by insurance in the state of Texas, so everything is out of pocket. In the long run, you'll save money, but it's probably more up front. Also, there are quite a few chiropractors who carry the Standard Process supplements that I used. They can help you with that. Last, but not least, acupuncture can be very effective in healing the thyroid disorders and the reflux problems. I highly recommend acupuncture. Although I didn't use it in this case, I have had great success with it for other issues.
I have had hypothyroidism for several years and the only thing I can suggest is to see an endocrinologist. The pill I take every morning is what keeps my levels normal. If you do not control your levels all sorts of things will start to happen, such as hair falling out, weight gain, extreme dry skin and anemia. good luck with whatever you do.
After the birth of my son I also had the same problems with an inactive thyroid that you have. I took Thyrocomplex, from a natural health store. The people there are usually very knowledgeable and helpful. I started with three in the morning, one in the evening; then reduced to two and one after a month; then one and one; then just one. Then I stopped. My thyroid is working perfectly again, and has been for 8 years. While treating my thyroid I also had to significantly reduce processed sugar and caffiene from my diet. This natural alternative had no side effects. It worked.
As a matter of course I always search natural alternatives to pharmaceuticals, they usually have less side effects. I find it almost impossible to find a doctor who understands and supports this approach so I tend to use osteopaths and naturopaths and a more holistic approach.
Good luck with whatever you choose!
I have so been there! Actually, reading your post reminded me that I needed to take my supplement. =o)
I have a wonderful naturopath who has helped me with this & numerous other issues if you are interested! I initially went to her for hormone issues, but now I'm clear of multiple allergies, no more fatigue from thyroid issues, and lots of other little things cleared.
Here's their website if you want to check it out: www.heightsofhealth.com They were recommended to me by another mamasource mom and I can't stop passing on the info!
Check with a compounding pharmacy and see if they can put it into a cream.
Apple Cider Vinegar can help with your reflux.