9-12 years old, are Tweens.
They are changing a ton physically/emotionally/cognitively.
GOOD for your son, to tell you and talk to you about his observations about himself.
Bravo. Keep it up.
Maybe, he needs help with stress? In these grade levels, the academic and individual expectations, increases. My daughter is 9. Her grade and Teacher are a lot more... expectant in terms of performance etc. She... has greater needs for "deflating" nowadays. I recognize that. Or she just gets SOOO tweaked. So, I "allow" her.... times to just deflate and not make any demands on her... letting her relax, in her own way and in her own space etc. I verbally tell her this as well. So she is cognizant of the why's.
They have so much in their heads at this age.... so many things at one time. And their deductive reasoning ability is not fine tuned yet. Hence, they need guidance.
Your son is a Tween.
Google search "Tween Boy Development" and read the many articles. I have done that in terms of my 9 year old daughter.
Per girls, some girls even start developing breasts and get their periods even at 10 years old. For example. So that reflects, that the physiology of the child is changing at a fast and manic pace. Of which, their "emotions" are not.... as fast. Hence, the incongruity of their frustrations per situations etc. and emotions. It is NOT... all synchronized, yet.
KEEP talking with your son.
Maybe teach him to recognize if he is stressed etc. and as a team think of ideas of how to deflate etc. And tell him you are always... there for him.
Every child needs an outlet and to deflate. Even if deflating means, just daydreaming or doing nothing. Or they get burnt out on always "performing" for grades etc. and with friends.
Teach him, to always... be himself. Always. Especially as he becomes a Teen.