Let me first comiserate with you - "jerk!" Ok now that is out of the way - LOL!
Seriously, before you consider raising rates, do a cost analysis of other child care centers/home care centers in your area. Also, if you have staff, see what the going rate is for staff and do a hard, self-evaluation of what you are charging.
Have you ever raised rates? When was the last time, etc.
then if based on your research, you really do need to raise, tell parents about two to three months in advance that rates are changing in March for example - then any new families that come in - they have to pay the new, published, rate.
I may also look at changing your hours if you are working 24 hours a day. Most centers open at 6:30 am and close at 6. if you have a big third -shift population where the children need somewhere to sleep, etc. they need to be paying a shift differential and get some help in there.
If alfter all this research, the job just isn't panning out financially - fold and make hubby use that 'walking money' on covering all the bills!!