Get a sippy with the soft spout, the texture is like that of the nipple of a bottle. Start small. Substitute sippy for bottle once a day. With my son I gave him a sippy at lunch. He got the hang of it after a while. Started that at the end of December. He turned 1 yesterday and only has a bottle when it's bedtime. Just start with once a day on the sippy. Don't fill it full, just put a little in it at first. Or give it to her empty and let her explore it. Then add some liquid and when you give it to her tip some into her mouth so she knows what it does. Then just let her figure it out on her own. Might take a little bit. When I first gave it to my son he was chewing on the handles and the bottom edge of the cup for a bit. But I kept telling him that was his drink and showing him how it goes in the mouth. Then leaving him alone to work it out on his own. Now he's doing great. Good luck.