i didn't feel my son for what i thought was forever, and then when i did i just figured that's what it was, because it didn't feel anything like what i thought it would...it felt more like a muscle spasm, which i get all the time. i've even gotten them in my abdomen/stomach area, when i wasn't pregnant. so it wasn't the huge exciting moment like i thought it would be. even when i was close to delivering, he never punched and kicked me hard (and i could never tell if it was head, elbows, feet, etc, like some moms can, or say they can...lol!) case in point he was head down one day, then two days later when my water broke he was feet down, SO even if i had tried to guess what was poking me, i would have been wrong anyway lol! and now three years later he is one of the most antsy, restless, hyper kids i've ever met. i thank god he gave me such a boring pregnancy!