We just recently weaned my son who's 22 mos now. We did it pretty gradually. Got him down to 2 feedings (first thing in the am and at bedtime) at around 17 mos. Did that for about 1 1/2 mos, then weaned the am feeding. Before taking away that feeding, I started explaining to him probably about 3 or 4 days before and reminders everyday, how he was a big boy and didn't need mommy's milk in the am anymore. We started pushing the weaning at that time because I was pregnant and breastfeeding was starting to get uncomfortable. I also told him the baby needed mommy's milk in the am. So when I felt he was sufficiently informed about the change, my husband started getting him in the morning, bringing him downstairs, would put on one of his favorite shows to distract him and would give him milk in his sippy cup and feed him breakfast. Then I would come down about 1/2 hour to 45 min later so my husband could get ready for work. My son would cry for about 5 min the first few mornings and then seemed to accept it. He didn't fight it much after that.
Then about 6 weeks later we took away the nighttime feeding. DId the same with explaining to him several days before what was going to happen soon. I told him he didn't need mommy's milk anymore and that the baby needed all the milk now. My husband had been doing his night time routine for a while before that - with the bath and story time. So then he just started putting him down with a sippy cup of heavily diluted juice. This actually went over surprisingly well.
The one thing that did occur was he protested drinking milk both times for about 1 to 2 weeks. he would drink very little for breakfast and would ask only for juice the rest of the day, refusing milk offered to him. But both times he eventually went back to drinking the whole milk again. In the interim I just gave him the calcium fortified juice and extra dairy stuff like cheese and yogurt.
I hope this is helpful. Good luck! p.s. I'm also a social worker now stay at home mom. Not sure when I'll get back into it. May go back when the 2nd one is around a year or so... we'll see.