What Are You Planning for Halloween?

Updated on October 28, 2013
L.B. asks from Coolidge, AZ
11 answers

Halloween is just around the corner.My daughter choose to be princess Ariel.Since my baby bump is showing (currently almost 5 months)I am going to make a shirt that says the due date (nothing really that awesome).What are your plans?What are your children going to be?Are you dressing up?

If you dont celebrate,what do you do with your kids during halloween night?

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answers from Kansas City on

My daughter wants to go as Daphne from Scooby Doo, so I'm going as Velma (hoping my skirt still fits, I bought it pre-pregnancy and now I'm 9 weeks and having problems with pants fitting...), the hubs is going as Shaggy and his twin is going as Scooby.

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answers from Chicago on

OHH, I would paint Flounder on my baby belly! On a shirt of the belly itself if I was that brave!

Last night at a party I was a glam Zombie, daddy was a Budweiser driver (old school uniform) and our son was a ninja!

On Tuesday I have a Halloween Concert and I will be "Zipper Face" (using special effects it will look like I zipped open my face) and my son will use his ninja costume.

Halloween night I will be low key I think and my son will be his ninja!

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answers from Dallas on

My kids are 7 and 3. We went to a Halloween party last night, a lunch with friends and then we all went together to a community event / fair with entertainers at a park today, in a couple days we go to a church festival, and on Thursday we're going trick or treating.

My 3 year old is ALL about Batman, so he's Batman. Our dog (an Australian Shepherd) is going as Robin (he actually likes his costume and cape, but we're not putting anything on his head). My 7 year old is going as an old-time gangster (I found pinstriped pants and vest with a white satin kerchief at a consignment store for $6, and that with a dress shirt and pinstriped derby hat that he already has, a mustache out of eyeliner, and a toy tommy gun, he's good to go). My husband is going as Chief O'Hara (Irish cop on the old 60's Batman show): a police hat, badge, and cuffs, with his own blue pants, shirt, tie, and jacket. I'm going as a campy villainess that "could have" been seen on the old Batman show (the only Batman my children know): I've named my character "Mean Mamma". I'm wearing a hideous bright pink floral housedress, cheap house slippers, a silver curly wig, silly frosted silver, goofy makeup, and a wooden spoon is my prop (my mom would threaten me when I was a kid with a wooden spoon, and this is kind of a cartoon version of her in the "Prozac Days" AND also mixed in a little of a villainess that was actually in the 60s show once: Ma Parker--but this character's totally in fun, nothing upsetting or "bad" about it).

So including the dog, we'll have 3 good guys and 2 bad guys in our group. The boys are totally excited about it.


answers from Norfolk on

Our county doesn't allow kids 13 or older to trick or treat - our son is 15 today.
Since we're way out in the country in the middle of a soybean field no one comes door to door around here.
We went to our neighborhood Halloween party last night.
So Halloween for us will just be another school night where we just get ready for the next day.

This is cute:



answers from Phoenix on

My daughter picked our costumes last year (Cinderella and cohorts) so my son picked this year. He chose Superman, she wanted a pink Wonder Woman costume (not only found it, but it was on clearance!), my hubby is wearing his Superman suit and I'm going as Wonder Woman. My 5 month old will be in the hot dog costume all the kids wore their first Halloween, but we're putting a cape on him and he's going as Superdog, the name of a Chicago hot dog institution. My daughter chose to trick-or-treat around our house instead of going 40 minutes away to her cousins' new house, which I'm happy to oblige since it's a school night.


answers from Huntington on

My kids are 5, 8 and 10 and we will be trick or treating. The kids are dressing up as Minecraft Steve, Princess Jasmine and the green Ninjago ninja. I am proud of myself because we got the costumes together super early and found good deals on them- some were purchased off a yard sale website. I am glad not to be stressed out about it this week. I have an old Eastern Indian dress that is warm and fits so that is what I will dress up as.

Trick or treating is a huge deal in this neighborhood; we live in a large suburban neighborhood with mostly young families. Most everyone participates and many of the homes are all-out decorated and many people even set up hot cocoa and donut tables throughout the neighborhood Halloween night.

We have a Halloween party at a friends house the following Saturday as well. Halloween is not my favorite holiday but with young kids it is hard to not get into the fun, I think. :)


answers from Grand Forks on

On Halloween my kids are going as the Scream ghost and the Grim Reaper. I am wearing a set of scrubs with a lab coat and stethoscope. My elementary school son will wear his costume to school in the afternoon for a costume parade and class party. My middle school son will wear his costume as part of spirit week. I will wear my costume to work at the Y, then to the school for lunch. We will all go trick-or treating in our neighbourhood from about 6:00pm to 9:00pm. It is going to be about 30 degrees, so we will dress warm.


answers from Chicago on

I will be my usual pumpkin for my youngest's classroom Halloween party. My 12 yr old is a police woman and my 10 yr old is a disco diva.

We always have a taco bar set up for dinner on Halloween.



answers from Los Angeles on

We are taking our kids trick or treating.
We light up our house w/a few lights.
We will have something easy but fun to eat.
I will wear Mickey M. ears & wear a M. nose but that's it.



answers from Wausau on

Halloween for the kids is done where I live. Trick or Treat was last night, which is not unusual, but the school and community events were on Friday already. Other than corn mazes and the less-scary haunted houses, there is nothing left for kids on the 31st.


answers from Houston on

I am an older mom. My son is adult. On October 31, a co-worker and I are going to a College Fair...

Gee whiz my life is a bore. I only agreed to go because otherwise I would have nothing to do.

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