What Natural and Organic Things Do You Love for Your Family and Kids?

Updated on January 23, 2011
S.R. asks from Clinton, MO
12 answers

In the past months I have developed a love for cloth diapering, which has led me to want to make some other changes in our house. What all natural and/or organic things do you love for your family?. Shampoos, soaps, toothpaste, lotions? What about cleaning supplies? Organic groceries are out of the question, we are on a tight budget. But I want to do what I can to have a safer, less toxic, environment for my husband, kids, and pets.

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answers from Houston on

vegetarianism is one of the "greenest" things i do. Its more effective that driving a hybrid, or recycling(which i do also.), I like cleaning with vinegar, and steam. I wish i could cloth diaper, i meant to but never actually did. maybe next time.

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answers from Pittsburgh on

The O. simple change you can make that has the most direct impact on the earth is to buy organic milk. Yes, it's more expensive but you are supporting en entire eco-system of organic farming, etc.

Just make sure the milk you buy IS truly organic:

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answers from Kansas City on

i like california baby for my kids hair and body wash. It's expensive, but I just try to skimp on how much i use instead of what I use. I do love my cloth diapers and I second cloth pads (though I don't like luna pads, I have a few brands and the luna ones don't work for me). I use natual detergent for my diaps and use basically vinegar, baking soda and occasionally hydrogen peroxide to clean most everything (natural soap, natural dw detergent and method toilet bowl cleaner too). I hear great things about not using shampoo (look up "no poo") but have settled for no sodium lural/luralth sulfate for now, as we're totally busy. I like burts bees brand stuff and alba too. I second the cosmetics database. We also buy beef in bulk, and hormone free milk (we buy local milk, shatto, which is more expensive, but I think worth it, though we don't go trhough a lot of milk). I try to buy the dirty dozen fruits/veggies organic (especially the top ones and the ones that we eat a lot of). I try to be good about not buying canned, but I fall short on beans.

the big thing, though I think is that we need so much LESS stuff, so many things aren't good for us, so many products are advertized and not really necessary. Better for the environment, better for our bodies!


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answers from St. Louis on

We shop at the local farmers' market during the summer months to get organic vegetables and fruits. While some sellers aren't organic, some are. Even the ones who aren't are at least locally grown.

We also buy an entire side of beef from a local farmer each year. It's money up front (like $600) but it fills an entire deep freezer and feeds us all year (and my hubs is a huge meat-eater). The local farmer does not use anti-biotics or hormones. We've also done this a few times with chickens. The price comes out about the same in the long run (sometimes cheaper on the beef since we also get steaks and roast along with hamburger).

I've also heard to avoid canned items - and go fresh or frozen for fruits and veggies. While not organic, freezing keeps more of the nutrients in tact rather than the processing that's involved in canning.



answers from New York on

i guess it depends on where you are, but organic groceries arent as expensive anymore, some stores, like stop and shop and bj's, have their own organic generics. i buy organic as much as i can, and always try to buy organic the things my kids eat/drink the most of, milk bananas and yogurt. organic cleaning/ personal products are also cheaper now, target sells method and mrs meyers. i get them cheap at marshalls sometimes too. and there are organic cleaners in the grocery store too, i like the sun and earth ones in the orange bottle, and they are cheap and smell great. and if you google it, you will see that you can clean most anything with vinegar, lemon juice, and/or baking soda.



answers from San Francisco on

Since you're using cloth diapers for your baby, why not try cloth menstrual pads for yourself as well? I love using Lunapads! They feel so cashmere-soft and comfortable. I will never go back to disposable pads that leave me sore.



answers from New York on

I believe my sister really likes the murphy cleaning line. I know Target sells them. I am thinking of switching since we have an infant and I am a big bleacher. I usually have my mom watch my little one when I clean so perhaps using a non-toxic line will help with this and the safety of the house. As for the floors, I just use very hot water since I really do not like the idea of a cleaning product on them and then in the beds and what not.



answers from Boston on

I really like jason's organics soap and shampoos.

But in terms of having the greatest impact, you should consider some organic produce - namely anything that you eat the skin of (like apples, peaches, etc) or anything that grows in the ground (potatoes, carrots). Other stuff the pesticides you wash or peel off, but those things you tend to consume, and that's where you get the most chemicals.

Also, get boxed tomatoes instead of canned, because lots of BPA leeches from canned tomatoes.

good luck!


answers from Los Angeles on

I buy organic milk and eggs, always.



answers from St. Louis on

Yes to carrots is my favorite skin/hair care line for me and my kiddos. Walgreens carries the whole line and Target has some of it too. It's a midrange priced line with lots of organic and nontoxic ingredients. I also love using cloth dipers (I can use the same one-size Bum Genius diaps for my two-month old son and my slender 2yr old daughter!) and washing them with pods baby cleaning tabs.

We also use Bona floor cleaner or our wood floors.

Good for you and it feels good too.


answers from Denver on

If you can figure out a way, buy organic meats and dairy. No antibiotics, growth hormones, etc. Clean with water and vinegar and invest in the meats and dairy.

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