There is no such thing as a size 9 for children.
Casual Children's sizes are usually:
XS-size 4-5
Sm-size 6-7
Med-size 8-10
Lg-size 12-14
XLG-16, or the same as an adult Xsm.
They come in Slims, Regulars, and Husky sizes too, for example 8 husky or 6 slim..
Dressier clothes tend to be even sizes. At stores like Penney's the dresses will be 4, 6 or 6X, 8, 10, 12, 14, etc...but coordinates that are casual will be like the sizes above.
In Womens clothing the sizes used to be:
4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, etc...
3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, etc...
Womens sizes were the evens and junior sizes were the odds. Women have usually had children and have wider hips, smaller waists, more shapely figures.
Juniors were usually high school students and college students who were straighter body types, less hiney and stomach left over from pregnancy, and more straight up and down. Much less curvy body types.
Childrens clothes don't have those sizes. You are going to have to go with an 8 Husky.