Make some new rules. Diner is a no electronics zone. It is for sharing your day. Ask each person what happened that day. Encourage her to share what she's into right now. If you don't know what to do together, ask her for suggestions. Tell her that you want to do something with her, so what might she like to do? Go somewhere? Play a particular game? Share a movie? Maybe she'd like a video game vs a board game. If she has friends you have heard of but not met, encourage her to bring them home for a visit or sleepover.
For the Oscar thing, is she trustworthy? Is there someone (like the college girl) who can be on call and call to check in on her? Is 10PM jsut too late and you just aren't comfortable so she doesn't need to go with, but she has to arrange a sleepover somewhere else instead? That was sometimes our compromise when the sks were too old for sitters but the night was too late for us to be comfortable with them alone.
ETA: I do also agree that you can speak to her about her attitude, even if you agree to leave her home. If she wants more respect, she should show some.