If the children have had a warning or a teaching about a particular behavior, they are on the hook for the discipline when they disobey. Unless you want to be constantly begging your son to obey you, every day about every thing, then, start acting on the discipline. Right away. The first time. Once he learns that you actually are serious about the rules, he will start obeying you. If you never really are serious about them, why should he obey you? It's more fun for him to do what he wants than what you direct him to do. Please, stop begging your son to obey. You have given him the standards, now start enforcing them. You might want to let him know that a new sherrif is in town, and first time obedience is required. If he doesn't obey the first time, he will be disciplined. Kids are pretty smart. Oh, and we also don't do time-outs or room restrictions. We discipline right away, not letting them sit and stew about discipline. We discipline, forgive, pray, and move on. They are done with whatever within a couple of minutes and our relationship is restored and built up. It's so much better for kids and parents that way. We also have never had rebellious or stewing teens. We are all very close.