My friend had delivered all 3 of her kids at St. Pete's and I was there for 2. The staff were very nice. Another friend delivered her 2 at CMC, but I don't know how it was. (I know there ER was not equipped to handle a 1 year old, when I went.) I delivered my 2 at St. Josephs and even drove there from Oly to do so. I loved it. They were very nice and accommodating. When I said I wanted a water birth, they opened up that area just for me. With my 2nd, they were extremely packed, but they were still very nice. My midwives are in the same building as the Birthing Inn and it is a lovely, calm place, but I wanted a nurse there to help with the baby after. (Both of my kids were jaundice and my youngest had to have mucus suctioned out of her stomach - not a danger, just the mucus was uncomfortable for her.) The Pearl Place Midwives are great if you want to drive to Tacoma. Hope this helps.