The Pearl Place Midwives in Tacoma are AWESOME. Google search them. I've been with them for GYN for years,and had my OB care with them as well (6 month old daughter). They have 2 OBs on staff who they consult with, as well as folks in the Francsican network (St. Joe's in Tacoma), but you definitely get the midwife approach with them. We had a higher-risk pregnancy and were treated exactly as I wanted to be - as low-intervention as possible with a totally natural approach to childbirth while balancing the extra monitoring they wanted to do. I was planning to deliver at their birth center (the Birthing Inn), but was considered too high risk. They did a great job of providing me with a birth-center approach at the hospital. The midwives are great - they rotate care so you know everyone by the end of your pregnancy. They aren't in South Tacoma, but you can get their easily enough from 16, and I think they're worth it.
Oh, despite the higher risk situation (my daughter had a 2-vessel cord), everything was TOTALLY fine and my daughter is absolutely great. Has been since birth - no complications at all.
Good luck!