I really like what Julie B. said.
Your post hit home with me b/c I also have a learning disability. However, my parents were not proatice like yours. They never took me to the appropriate people to have me tested, or got private tutors for me, or enrolled me in a different kind of a school for people who learn differently. They did nothing and I suffered b/c of it. I never even knew I had a learning disability until 4 years ago when I was 34. I went to a psychologist who specializes in testing adults for learning disabilities and sure enough, I got a LD diagnosis.
Don't worry about all of the brilliant people you know. I'm sure they are flawed in other ways. Everyone has flaws.
School was also a constant struggle for me, and an extremely verbally abusive mother didn't help matters for me. I quit college for 3 years, had various jobs, and then decided to finish college. I was going for a P.E. Degree, however, decided to get my Liberal Arts Degree instead in order to get out of the house and away from my verbally abusive mother. Otherwise, I would have had 2 more years left of living at home and going to college. I just couldn't take it anymore.
Anyway, a Liberal Arts Degree is useless and I never had a professional career. I was an Admin. Asst., flight attendant, ticket agent at the airport. and customer service rep. I didn't like any of those jobs. My problem was that I could never find my true calling. Well, at 38, I finally figured out what I want to do! I want to be a home health aide. When my 3.5 year old is in kindergarten, I will obtain my CNA (certified nurse aide) certificate. My point - I have a college degree (even though it's kind of useless), but I am choosing to have a job that does not require one. My advice to you - if you want or need to work, then choose a job/career that will make you happy! There is more to life than making lots of money. If you love what you do, you will be happy. Please don't worry about getting your college degree. There are so many things you can do without it. There are so many programs (medical administrative assistant, CNA, occupational assistant aide, physical therapy aide, medical billing and coding, etc. etc. etc.
You said you like to exercise. What about becoming an aerobics instructor or a personal trainer? Contact your local health club and ask about how to obtain certification. Brainstorm, and don't worry about finishing college. It won't make you a better person or who you are. YOU will make you who you are and YOU will make you a better person. We might not be the most academically intelligent people around, but I bet we have more common sense and street smarts than all of these brainiacs put together! Please be VERY proud of yourself, have lots of self esteem and have another wonderful 42 years! All the best.