i havent used it, and the reason i dont is because a diet pill is not going to solve your weight problems, its going to be a crutch. you need to make the lifestyle changes that are necessary for weight loss, not relying on a pill to do that.
however, i could see how it could work.
what i have heard is that it blocks the absorbtion of fats. so, where do those fats go? naturally, out.
which means if you have a lot of fats in your diet you are going to have massive diarhea problems, perhaps the pleasant sounding "anal seepage/leakage" might even be an issue if you really had a high fat food. soooo im assuming then, when you use the pill, you learn really quickly NOT to eat foods high in fats if only to prevent that kind of bathroom issue.
so try it if you must, but if you can make the lifestyle changes without that extra cost and hassle (could you imagine having a problem while shopping?) please do that instead. just remember, more veggies, less meats. more home cooking, less restaurants. dont use oil or spray, use water or bake instead of fry. you know? those kinds of things.