perception is often very differant from reality, but perception is more important. that's why so-called 'brown nosers" seem to get ahead. you need to start a PR campaign to give your reputation a makeover. start by operating on Lombardi Time. 15 minutes early = on time. volunteer for extra work when opportunites come up. start using postive professional dialogue like - I look forward to the challenge, and I appreciate the feedback. Make sure to stay late now and then and make it obvious by emailing your boss and maybe cc his boss right before you leave. Stay an hour late without being asked and then right before you leave send out an office fyi to everyone with suggestions for improvement or simple reminders -"hey everyone, Mr XYZs birthday is coming up and I thought I would get the ball rolling on planning something for him." or forward an interesting article that is industry related to the boss. For instance, I work in insurance. If I wanted my boss to notice that I come in early, stay late, and am a dedicated employee, I would stay late or come in early and forward my boss an article about an innovation in claims handling that I found, along with a personal note - ", I came across this interesting article today. I think if we could incorporate this idea into our process, it would save time and money and improve our policyholders overall experiance. If this is something corporate is interested in pursuing, I would love to be involved in the project." The email is date and time stamped so they know you were at work at that time. In fact, never stay late or come in early without emailing your supervisor. Just make up an excuse. "Good Morning Mr XYZ, I came in early to get a jump start on the week and I had an idea. What if we tried color coding the files. I've ben color coding mine it is really a time saver." or"good morning mr xyz, I wanted to confirm that I did complete that report and you will find it in your inbox." That way the 1st thing boss man sees is that you were early and taking your job seriously. Even if all you did was come in early and do your makeup! It's not hard to appear to be doing a great job. It's a game people play. Its sad, but its an important skill. All this being said - it will only buy you time if you arent doing a good job. This wont make up for piss poor work. It's meant to get the higher ups to notice the hard work that are already doing.