ADD / ADHD Medications: Infant, Aveeno

Results 31-40 from 432 articles

Desitin Diaper Cream

A.R. asks from Macon

I have used Aveeno diaper cream on my daughter since birth with no problems. But when she got a rash it didnt seem to do much to heal so on rashes I used Destin. Well...


6 Mo. Old with Bad Exzema?

C.H. asks from Seattle

My daughter has really bad looking "patches" of dry, red skin on her face [mainly on her cheeks]. I've tried Aveeno Baby lotion [for exzema] and her pediatrician said...


Shampoo/body Wash That's Good for Eczema

J.K. asks from Los Angeles

My 16 month old has always had eczema on her legs, but it was very mild (diagnosed by her pediatrician). For some reason, it has gotten significantly worse in the pa...


Help with Baby Itch Relief -Eczema

M.T. asks from San Francisco

My 3-month old has eczema. The Dr. just told me to put an over the counter eucerin on the affected area but now he's starting to scratch and rub any suggestions for w...


HELP!! My 8 Month Old Baby Has Diaper Rash So Bad I Can See Some Red Skin!!!!

S.N. asks from Chicago

I'm feeling so bad :( Since yesterday she has had severe mucusy diarrhea and she only vomited once uptil now. She cries in pain every time she pooped and everytime ...


Baby Has Dry Skin? Eczema?

R.H. asks from Spokane

I have a 5 1/2 month old son. About a week ago I noticed a small rash-like area on his tummy. Since then it has spread to his shoulders and back. It's patchy and r...


How to cure itchy head after cradle cap on infant?

N.E. asks from Dallas

I hope someone can help/or have experience with this. My 9 month old son had cradle cap as a baby that went away somewhat on his own (with help from me picking of cou...


Help with Baby Eczema

A.C. asks from Tampa

Hi everyone, I have a 7 months old baby girl. Since she was born she always had very dry skin that it became eczema. She has all over rash and a special one in her ch...


11 Month Old with Bad Eczema

J.T. asks from New York

Hello ladies, My 11 month old daughter has had eczema since she was 5 months old and I feel as she gets older, her eczema is getting worse. I've tried aquaphor, A&D ...


Bad Eczema

E.T. asks from Los Angeles

My 5 mos. old daughter has a really bad eczema. It's all started to show on her ears and cheeks last month. And, now I found these dry spots all over her thighs and b...