Angel Care: Preschooler

Results 11-20 from 29 articles

Sleeping with a Blanket

B.M. asks from New York

At what age can children begin to sleep with a blanket. those sleepers only go up to 9 months. i have an 11 month old and his crib is near the air conditioner. i want...


8 1/2 Month Old Turning over During the Night

G.M. asks from San Francisco

I'm a working mother of an 8 1/2 month old girl who just this week started turning over in her sleep in the middle of the night. When I asked her pediatrician abo...


Tummy or Back

A.M. asks from Los Angeles

I am a first time mom of a 3 week old boy. He sleeps well, generally 2 1/2 hours to 3 hours at a time. He HATES sleeping in his bassinett at night, which my husband a...


When to Stop Using Baby Monitor?

A.M. asks from Lakeland

Hi Everyone, When do you think is the "right age" to stop using a baby monitor? I have a 2 year old that sleeps through the night and my husband and I are disagre...


Sleeping from Back to Tummy

M.H. asks from Charleston

a couple of weeks ago my mother and i and my four month old went to the mts to see the new house my grandparents built. they didnt have a crib for Kaylynne and didnt...


Worried About My 3 Month Old

A.L. asks from Charleston

Hi mom's, I am a new mom and i'm new to mamapedia. I hope that you can all help me. My 3 month old will barely eat, unless it is watered down baby food, she will n...


4 Month Old Won't Sleep in Crib

J.F. asks from Atlanta

My baby has always been a great sleeper, even when he first came home from the hospital. We followed the eat, play, sleep routine and he has been sleeping at least 6...


Infant Who Insists on Sleeping on Her Belly

E.D. asks from Los Angeles

I have a 6 month old beautiful girl who recently began turning over in her bassinet. I wake up in the middle of the night for feeding or to check on her and she is f...


If Your Child Is Sick with a Cold, Where Do They Sleep?

S.M. asks from Kansas City

I'm having a hard time giving the Irwin family the benefit of the doubt. Every time I read a new story I see something that makes me cringe. When the 10 month old...


Baby Sleeping Advice

M.D. asks from Jacksonville

I'm of Filipino descent, which in my culture they believe in the "family bed." I have read that it's normal for babies to want to be held all the time, which my baby...