Just wanting to know if I should attempt a vbac on my second try (not pregnant yet). I fully labored (over 24 hours) and pushed for two hours. I am still traumitize...
I am scheduled to induce on August 6th and can't decide what I want to do for pain management. I've heard lots of mixed reviews on epidurals vs. local anesthesia. C...
I am having my second child and I am considering a VBAC. I am undecided because of the safety concerns and because I don't want to get my hopes up again if I a...
I'm 33 weeks pregnant and people I know, friends, and some family have been telling me that having a c-section is "the way to go". Why is this? It just seems like hav...
I am a childbirth educator and I am calling for some feedback on your births. More specifically about your relationship with your MD and or Midwife regarding such th...
Hello. I am 31 weeks pregnant. My last baby was 9 lbs. 6 0z. I gave birth to him naturally and we were both fine. (except for the horrible reaction I had to an epidu...
Hi! I am about 14 weeks pregnant and I go to a group of 3 OBGYN's who I will be taking turns with so I get to know all of them since it depends who is on call when I...
I decided with some certainty that I would not be induced if I could help it after watching my sister-in-law go through a horrible 38-hour labor after being induced. ...
SO, my question to you all is this: Do you believe that any form of Child birth is natural or only vaginal? With meds/without? In a hospital or not?
The background...
My husband and I are expecting our first child in May. We recently took a childbirth class and learned about the pros and cons of epidurals and other pain medication...