Breast Milk Supply & Production: Infant, Enfamil

Results 1-10 from 566 articles

Enfamil or Similac

T.H. asks from Columbus

Hi ladies, I am wondering if any of you have had the experience of using both of these brands and can help me make a decision on which to go with. I used Similac Iso...


Increasing Milk Supply Herbs

A.C. asks from Detroit

Hallo- I was wondering if any of you ladies have taken any herbs to increase your milk supply and which ones worked the best? My milk supply is low and I wanted to ...


Low Milk Supply

S.G. asks from Wichita

Ok maybe one ofyou guys can help me out....I am having a horriable time getting my milk supply built up. I have taken the fenugreek and blessed thistle, oatmeal ever...


Enfamil Vs. Similac

J.F. asks from Philadelphia

I was wondering how important it is to keep your baby on the same formula or is it ok to switch. When my baby was born she wasn't able to nurse and my milk hadn't co...


Would It Be Ok to Start My Baby on Enfamil Gentlease/Prosobee from the Start?

G.M. asks from Phoenix

With my first son, we gave him Enfamil Formula. After a couple of months, he got real colicky and we ended up having to change the formula to the Enfamil Prosobee for...


Confused About Melamine in Enfamil Formula and What I Should Do!

J.F. asks from Denver

I am sure you have all heard lately that trace amounts of Melamine has been found in Enfamil (with Iron) formula. I have tried to go online and see what is being sa...


My Milk Supply Has Decreased and My Son Won't Take Formula

P.G. asks from Raleigh

Has anyone had this experience? My son is 9 months old and slowly but gradually my milk supply has decreased. We recently moved out of state to Durham (yes I know t...


Will My Milk Supply Stop Now? :(

A.B. asks from Spokane

Hello everyone, I am new to mammasource and recently posted a request. I was so overwhelmed by all the wonderful suggestions for my problem... I just knew I had to ...


Milk Supply and Formula Questions

K.B. asks from Wichita

Hi there. I am a new mom of a 12 day old boy. I am trying to breastfeed, but have found myself frustrated. When I pump I am only getting 2oz total, and that doesn'...


Has Anyone Tried Enfamil Nutramigen Formula?

R.C. asks from Houston

We have been having problems with my 7 month old son throwing up real bad and I took him to the doctor on Friday and they determined that he was still having issues w...